Thursday, November 17, 2011



Following are two options for both unstuffed and stuffed roasted tomatoes.
This is a great side dish that is easy but the flavor is complex so your family will think you worked really  hard.  Stuffing the tomatoes will work well if you have medium sized tomatoes.  The small ones are fine to leave unstuffed and are great served with roast beef.  

PS.  The picture of the spinach sauté recipe which I posted on October 25th, is to remind you that this is a delicious filling if you decide to stuff the tomatoes.
You may of course substitute your own favorite option—just make sure you share your idea with the rest of us!

4-6 small ripe tomatoes
Olive oil
Kosher Salt
Black Pepper
4-6 fresh basil leaves
Shredded parmesan cheese
Panko bread crumbs

Spray a pyrex square or round baking dish with PAM.
Cut one slice across the top of each tomato, which will get the stem off and expose a flat surface.
Place each tomato in the baking dish.   If the tomato does not sit without rolling, also cut a slice across the bottom.
Place the following across the top exposed surface of each tomato:
*a drizzle of olive oil
*a sprinkle of salt
*a sprinkle of pepper
*1 basil leaf (or more if they are small)
*1 T. of parmesan cheese
*1 T. of panko bread crumbs
*a drizzle of olive oil

Bake at 375 degrees until tomatoes reach desired softness (approximately 20 minutes) and cheese has melted.
You may need to tent with aluminum foil if bread crumbs become too brown.

*Prepare the following spinach sauté (or your favorite filling).
*Scoop out half of the flesh from each tomato before placing on the baking dish (only remove one to two heaping teaspoons of tomato from the center, leaving the sides and bottom of the tomato in tact).
*Stuff each hollowed out tomato with spinach sauté.
*Place 1 T. parmesan cheese  and 1 T. panko bread crumbs on top surface of each tomato.
*Bake at 375 degrees until tomatoes reach desired softness and cheese has melted.
*You may have to tent the tomatoes with foil if the panko bread crumbs become too brown.

Spinach Saute:
½ sweet onion, finely chopped
Olive oil
2 cups of fresh baby spinach
1-2 Tablespoons of sour cream
Kosher Salt to taste

*In a sauté pan, heat approximately 2 T. olive oil
*Add chopped onion to the oil and sauté until onions are translucent and beginning to caramelize.
*Place washed and dried fresh spinach on top of onions-turning spinach often.
The spinach will wilt and reduce in volume.  Cook until spinach is cooked down but before it gets slimy. 
*Turn heat off and stir in  sour cream
*Season to taste with salt.  Red hot pepper flakes are also good in this.

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